Description:This is a I2C Serial LCD Daughter board that can be connected to a standard 16×2 or 20×4 Character Display Module that supports 4-bit mode. All Character Modules sold on our site support 4-bit mode, and nearly all commercially available 16×2 and 20×4 line character modules support i..
Description:The LCD Keypad shield is suitable for Arduino main board which include the Arduino Uno and Arduino Leonardo. The LCD keypad Shield is sometimes called navigation shield because it comes with 6 momentary push buttons for menu navigation. Besides the push button, it also includes a 2×16 LC..
DESCRIPTIONThis is a popular 16x2 LCD Display Blue LED Backlight display based on the HD 44870 display controller which makes it is easy to interface this LCD most micro-controllers. Its extreme popularity ensures that no matter which micro controller platform you are using, you will definitely find..
DescriptionLCD screen with HD44780 controller enables you to display text, symbols, values or anything else coming from Croduino/Arduino. It is capable of displaying 16 characters in 4 lines and is useful in many projects that need to send clearly visible and legible output information...